The SkyWatcher 80mm x 400mm Achromatic OTA is a two-element, air-spaced, fully multi-coated objective, achromatic refractor. It allows you to view detailed vistas of star fields, clusters, nebulae, planets and other celestial bodies.
The light-weight optical tubes 1.5kg, and the compressed lengths of about 480mm makes ideal as a guide scope on scopes with longer focal lengths.
Comes with Rings and a short adapter plate. It can be used for visual wide field observing.
For use as a guide scope we suggest the Losmandy DVR108 guide ring system, works a treat with the ZWO ASI 120 imager as the autoguider camera.
For visual use it requires a diagonal for imaging it requires a 35mm extension tube (1.25" Universal camera adapter can screw straight to rear of focuser then to T-Ring)