- CCD type: ICX267AL Sony SuperHAD interline CCD with low dark current and vertical anti-blooming.
- CCD Full resolution pixel data: Pixel size: 4.65uM x 4.65uM, Image format: 1392 x 1040 pixels
- CCD Image area: 6.4mm (Horizontal) x 4.75mm (Vertical).
- CCD quality: Grade 1
- Spectral Response: QE max at 520nM (~50%), 30% at 420nM and 670nM.
- Readout Noise: Less than 10 electrons RMS – typically only 7 electrons.
- Full-well capacity: Greater than 15,000 e- (unbinned)
- Anti-blooming: Overload margin greater than 1000x.
- Dark current: Less than 0.1 electrons/second @ + 10C ambient.
- Data format: 16 bits.
- System gain: 0.3 electrons per ADU
- Lens details: 2.5mm f/1.2 150 degree ‘Fish Eye’