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Port Macquarie Observatory Installation

Port Macquarie Observatory Installation

A New Era Begins at Port Macquarie Observatory: Installing a Cutting-Edge Telescope Setup

It's a new era for Port Macquarie Observatory, with a newly installed state-of-the-art telescope setup, replacing the trusty MyT C14 system that dutifully served the facility for many years. In just two days, the experienced team at Bintel managed to successfully assemble and test the new setup, bringing a whole new set capabilities to the observatory to serve the keen astronomers of Port Macquarie.

The New Setup

The heart of this installation lies in the robust, reliable and precise Planewave L500 mount, the mount of choice for many a professional observatory due to its exceptional tracking and pointing accuracy. The mount was installed on a Pier-Tech pier in order to provide the rock-solid foundation critical for both visual and photographic Astronomy.

Bintel worked with the team at Port Macquarie Observatory to help select the best setup to suit their needs and landed on these three telescope systems in order to cater to a variety of observational needs:

  1. A Celestron RASA 11 with a ZWO 2600MC-P camera for high-speed, wide-field astrophotography.
  2. A Celestron C14 SCT to deliver stunning planetary and deep-sky views.
  3. An Esprit 80 refractor to serve as an additional imaging instrument.

In order to manage the complex power and data requirements of the system, the installation was equipped with a Pegasus Powerbox V3 so as to ensure the seamless operation and integration of cameras, dew heaters, and all other accessories.

Day 1: Installation

The first day was largely dedicated to assembling the equipment. In just one day the Bintel team managed to:

  • Mount the Planewave L500 onto the pier.
  • Install the Celestron C14, Celestron RASA 11, and Esprit 80 telescopes.
  • Connect and secure the Pegasus Powerbox V3 to the rest of the telescope systems, integrating all data and power requirements into one streamlined and straightforward system.

Thanks to rigorous pre-planning and 50 years of installation experience, the physical setup process went about as smooth as can be.

Day 2: Testing and Motor Tuning

With all the equipment installed, day 2 focused on the testing and fine-tuning of the Planewave L500 mount. Motor tuning was performed in order to ensure optimal performance, guaranteeing precise tracking and slewing. The mount's smooth operation all but confirming its readiness for future imaging sessions.

Unfortunately, while poor weather conditions prevented the creation of a pointing model—a key step for calibrating the system's alignment, the groundwork has been laid, and once clear skies return, the pointing model will be created and Port Macquarie Observatory will be once more ready to serve the astronomy enthusiasts of Port Macquarie.

What’s Next for the Observatory?

The new setup at Port Macquarie Observatory represents a significant upgrade, offering unparalleled versatility for both high power visual observation and wide-field astrophotography. Once fully calibrated, the system will provide a platform for both amateur and professional astronomers to explore the cosmos with clarity and detail like never before.

This installation is a testament to the dedication of the astronomical community and highlights the importance of the continual improving of facilities to keep up with advancements in technology. With this cutting-edge setup, Port Macquarie Observatory have taken a step in to the future of Astronomy and is ready to inspire the next generation of stargazers and astrophotographers.

Whether you’re visiting to peer through the C14’s eyepiece or marvel at the breathtaking images captured by the RASA 11 and Esprit 80, one thing is clear: the universe just got a little closer to Port Macquarie.

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