Bintel 套餐 从 Bintel 购买的所有尼康 Monarch 望远镜都包括望远镜主体和目镜,此外还附带背带和固定盒。 MONARCH Fieldscope 主要特点 先进的复消色差光学系统采用 ED(超低色散)玻璃,将色差降至可见光范围的最远极限,实现对比度丰富、更清晰...
The PROSTAFF 5 Fieldscopes are entry models of Nikon Fieldscopes and successors of the Spotting Scope RA III series. The PROSTAFF 5 Fieldscope main...
The Nikon SEP-20-60 Eyepiece for PROSTAFF 5 Fieldscope offers exceptional detailed observation with its fully multilayer-coated lenses and adjustab...