The Swarovski BTX offers unparalleled clarity, precision, and versatility for avid nature enthusiasts and professional observers. Combining cutting-edge optics with a dual eyepiece system, the BTX delivers an immersive, fatigue-free viewing experience, perfect for extended observation sessions. Whether you're birdwatching, stargazing, or monitoring wildlife, the Swarovski BTX transforms every scene into a breathtaking masterpiece with unrivaled detail and comfort.
此商品不能出口至新西兰 施华洛世奇 ATX 65 瞄准镜技术数据 放大 25 – 60 倍 物镜直径 (mm) 65 出瞳直径 Ø (mm) 2.6 – 1.1 出瞳距离 (毫米) 20 视野为 1000 米/10...
查看完整细节产品描述 BTX 将双眼的视觉能力与革命性的观看体验相结合。通过清晰的光学元件可以看到关键的细微差别,现在每个细节都一览无余。前额托和倾斜视图可确保连续数小时的舒适观看。BTX 目镜模块结合了双筒望远镜和单筒望远镜的优点。它呈现生动逼真的图像,并提供长期观察所需的舒适度。BTX 目...
查看完整细节The BTX combines the visual power of both eyes with a revolutionary viewing experience. Crucial subtleties can be seen with the crystal clear optic...
查看完整细节The BTX combines the visual power of both eyes with a revolutionary viewing experience. Crucial subtleties can be seen with the crystal clear optic...
查看完整细节The BTX combines the visual power of both eyes with a revolutionary viewing experience. Crucial subtleties can be seen with the crystal clear optic...
查看完整细节The BTX combines the visual power of both eyes with a revolutionary viewing experience. Crucial subtleties can be seen with the crystal clear optic...